How to make money by selling templates? ($1000)

How to make money by selling templates? ($1000)

How will you feel if I say you can make money by selling templates say an extra $1000 dollar per day online?

It's possible to make an extra, say $1000 dollar per day by doing something easy online. The way is by selling templates. So there are lots of people around the world who are making money by selling templates.

And it's a one time investment because after uploading a template it will make you money every time someone buys it.

We are going to talk about ;

  • How much money can you make by selling templates on Etsy?
  • Which templates make money most on Etsy?
  • How to sell them and what to do to help you to sell more templates?

How Much Money can You Make Selling Templates on Etsy?

sell templates on Etsy.

How much money can you make by selling these templates? well that's a tricky question there are lots of factors depending on which your earning will depend on.

It depends upon your sale. How many templates you can sell. There are lots of things you can do to increase your sales.

  • First, you can provide a competitive price. If selling templates is your side hustle or if you want it as a passive source of income then providing a competitive price is a great choice.
  • Second most important thing is the design of your templates. The better you can design the better will be your sales.

The question still remains. Let me give you an idea "How much money can you make by selling these templates".

This is a profile on Etsy, one of the popular websites to sell templates.

sell templates..

And as you can see, she sold 3,478 templates at the time when I was writing the article. And if we try to calculate the average revenue she generates by selling these templates.

She sold 3,478 templates and she has 17 templates with an average price of $20. And the total earning with 3,478 Sales it will be approx $70,000. Yup! she earned this much amount by selling templates and if you try you can earn this much money or more by selling templates.

Sell templates and make money.

You can even make more than $70k like this account. It has sales 21,109 with 520 templates and if we take $10 average price of the templates of this account, he earned over $200k by selling templates.

Which Templates Make Money Most on Etsy?

Which templates make money most on Etsy?

There are numerous types of templates which you can sell to make money most?

So the most selling templates are:

  • Blogger
  • WordPress
  • Photography
  • College
  • Lifestyle
  • These are some templates which sell the most and people pay really a good amount of money for Blogger and WordPress because these are some sites which help you to create your own sites without any knowledge of coding.

    And do not worry you do not need coding skills to make templates for a website.

    How to Create Templates For Free?

    How to create templates for free?

    You can use various software, websites or apps to make these templates but if you want to make templates for a website then Squarespace will be a great option and if you want to design templates for photography, college, lifestyle etc. You can use Canva.

    Aside from type of the template you have to focus on two more things:

  • First, how you package your templates.
  • Second, how to price these templates?

  • How to Package These Templates?

    Sell templates earn money.

    There is no difference in packaging your product from packaging a product in a store. Both are done in a way to get the attention of the customers.

    After seeing dozens of bestsellers on Etsy, it's clear that the best way to sell templates is showing them in a laptop, mobile and tablets as shown below.

    And here is an example of a product showing in a laptop. It shows the customer how the product is going to look in laptops, mobiles, and tablets.

    How to Price These Templates?

    Pricing high can make you good but only if your product is in demand and you provide them something that they can not get easily.

    But templates making is something that is very easy and profitable with a profit margin of 100% if you use a free tool.

    And if you are doing this as a side hustle or for passive income providing a competitive price will be wiser.

    How to Sell Templates?

    How to sell templates?

    You can sell templates on sites like Etsy. It is one the best sites to sell templates.

    Second option is you can sell templates on your own website. Selling templates is a great option and you can make more than selling on a platform but it will take a lot of work and time.

    You have to buy domain name for your website and other stuff. If you want to sell templates as a profession you can build your own website.

    But selling templates is just a side hustle then using sites like Etsy.

    How to Increase Sales of Your Templates?

    increase sale of templates.

    Well, there are three things you can do to increase your sales.

  • Sell on multiple platforms.
  • Pin post on Pinterest
  • Make YouTube videos
  • Sell on Multiple Markets.

    You can sell your templates on multiple sites and it will help you to get more audience from different Platforms. There are numerous platforms where you can sell templates like:

  • Etsy.
  • Creative Market.
  • Freepik.
  • PrestaShop Themes.
  • DesignBundles.
  • VirtueMart Templates.
  • Magento Themes.
  • MotoCMS Ecommerce.
  • OpenCart Templates.
  • These are the top 10 sites to sell templates.

    Pin Post on Pinterest.

    Pinterest is a great platform to generate traffic for your templates and there are over 445 million people using it per month.

    You just have to post pictures of your templates on Pinterest and add your link to your template and can generate traffic from there.

    Make YouTube Videos

    You can generate traffic from YouTube by uploading videos on it. And in the videos you can promote your templates or it can be a video of you making a template and can mention in that video that it is available on Etsy or whatever the platform you are using to sell your templates.

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