5 Ways to Earn money from Telegram

  1. Sell Notes.
  2. Make Wallpaper Channels.
  3. Affiliate Programs.
  4. Paid Promotions.
  5. Provide Service.

5 ways to earn money from telegram.

You want to earn money with Telegram. Here are 5 ways which can help you to make money from telegram.

There are tons of ways which you can use to earn money. And from these ways there are a way to earn money using your mobile. Mobile have numerous different application. And you can earn money using some apps like money making apps and some are huge platforms like YouTube. which most of the people use to earn money but from home but there is another app using which you can literally earn a lot money. The app is Telegram.

Telegram is popular for downloading things like movies, notes, books and other stuff for free. But what if i told you this app can help you to make a really good amount of money. A telegram channel can help you to make $10-$10,000 per month.

And the great thing about this app is that you do not have to be a content creator. Most of the channels on telegram earn money through copy-paste content. Also they have members in Millions with this copy-paste content. You can earn money from telegram but the app is not going to pay you. There are tons of indirect ways using which you can make money.

How to Make a Telegram Channel?

Follow these steps:

  • Step 1 - Create an account on Telegram.
  • Step 2 - Click on the menu option available on the top left corner.
  • Step 3 - Click on new channel.
  • Step 4 - Give your channel a name and description (give a unique name and with keywords, so your channel gets the result).

How to Earn Money From Telegram Channels?

1 - Sell Notes/Courses

Earn money from Telegram by selling notes.

One of the easiest ways to earn money as a student. Selling notes is the best option to make money, if you are a student because making notes is the thing a student does. And there are two types of students, one who makes their notes and one who does not and seeks for them at times of test and exams. And selling notes can be a great side hustle for students. Because you are making notes in your classes and the remaining task is just to make a PDF or an e-book of your notes and upload some sample notes on your telegram channel.

A telegram channel selling courses and notes.

If someone is interested in buying your notes then you can charge them for your notes. And the same goes for courses, you can make a course of something that people want to learn then sell the course on Telegram. There are many skills from which you can learn one and can make a course and then can sell it.

2 - Make Wallpaper Channels

Earn money by selling wallpaper on Telegram.

Another easiest way to make money is selling wallpapers. If you like to collect wallpaper and have a pretty good collection then you can sell them. And if you do not have a collection still do not worry you can use google to download wallpaper for free or can use different apps to get wallpaper for free.

Wallpapers on Telegram Channel.

After having a pretty good number of wallpaper then you can make different collections like people love Anime wallpaper, cars. You can make a collection of these and can sell them. And if you provide a good collection at a cheaper price then you can attract many people.

3 - Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing on Telegram.

Affiliate Marketing is when you get an affiliate link of products available on platforms like amazon then you will get a commission on the product every time someone bought it using your link. It is the best way to earn thousands of dollars from home. To earn using these affiliate links you need an audience.

Affiliate Links on Telegram Channel.

And Telegram is the app where you can get people who will buy the products using your affiliate links. Besides downloading movies many people use Telegram for finding great deals available on Amazon and other platforms. They publish their affiliate links and earn money from telegram.

4 - Paid Promotions

Paid Promotion.

Another great way to make money from telegram is paid promotion. Telegram has 1B+ downloads on Google Play Store. And the brands will go where the audience are. You must have seen brand promotions on YouTube and Instagram. Brands use these platforms to promote their products but they also use telegram to promote their product.

These brands pay a really good amount for promotion of their product. You can make a telegram channel and after having a few thousands members on your telegram channel you can approach brands and ask for money for promoting their product on your channel. And after getting a good number of members on your telegram channel the brands will approach you automatically.

My Experience

I have some experience with this method. I had earned some money though paid promotion and all I have to do is make post in my Telegram Channel with the link they provides. The link can be anything, it can be their YouTube channel link, Telegram Channel link and their website links. The only problem this method has that you have to be patient because growing a Telegram channel is not that easy.

5 - Provide Service

Sell service on Telegram.

You can sell a service on Telegram and earn money. Telegram has a huge number of people. So if you have any skill which people are looking for then you can use Telegram to get some customers for your service. If you know photo editing, make a channel on Telegram and upload your edited picture on it, people will see them and will contact you.

Photo editing.

There are lots of channels on Telegram earning by editing videos. Video editing is one the skill you can have to earn money. And there other skills to make money which you can learn and can start earning by getting customers from Telegram.

How to Earn Money From Telegram Groups?

It is not necessary to have a channel to earn money from telegram. Telegram has tons of groups from chats to professional groups. You can join these groups and promote your service there. You can use this group to promote anything. From your Instagram profile to your YouTube channel.

The same methods you can apply to make money from Telegram groups. And the great think is that you now do not have to wait for the channel to grow. These groups have members in thousands even in millions join them and use all ways mentioned.

  • Sell Notes.
  • Make Wallpaper Channels.
  • Affiliate Programs.
  • Paid Promotions.
  • Provide Service.


These are some ways by which you can earn money from telegram. Some will help you to make a decent amount of money and some can help you to make literally thousands of dollars per month. All you need to do is be patient and work consistently. After a few times when you have some members on Telegram then you can start earning. And these were just a few methods of indirectly earning using Telegram. Telegram has lots of ways to make money because it has a really huge number of audience. You  just have to find which one going to work best for you.

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