6 ideas to Make Money without Degree

  1. Make Money with your Hobby
  2. Amazon Copywriter
  3. Start a service business
  4. Renting Dumpsters
  5. Answer Questions
  6. Real Estate Bird Dog

6 Ways to Earn Money without Degree

Ain't it great that you do not have to leave your house or even your bed to make money. Here I came with 6 ideas to earn  money without a college degree.

Nowadays you do not need any college degree to earn money. You can earn money from home and all these side hustle do not need any degree.

Many people think that you can not earn money without a college degree or to earn a few thousand dollars without a degree. But the reality is there are so many side hustle you can do to earn money in thousands.

All these ideas are great and you do not need to work for the whole day. 2-3 hours of work everyday is enough to make some money by using these ideas.

Most of the ideas mentioned in this article can be a great side hustle and working on a side hustle is one of the best things you can do to give your income a boost. Side hustle has only benefits and does not matter whether you have a job or you are a student, you can have a side hustle. You have to give time and effort then it will pay off.

CHECK THIS TOO - 5 Skills TO Make Money Online

6 - Real Estate Bird Dog

Real Estate Bird Dog

A real estate bird dog is someone who looks for property that is being sold and they tell someone who is a real estate investor either someone who bought properties for long term investment, people who buy and flip houses or real estate wholesalers.

And this does not need any license like a real estate wholesaler as you are just being the informer and buying and selling the property is all upon the person who you are informing.

How Much Money is a Bird Dog?

Bird dogs earn by getting commission from the investor whenever a property that he has reported sold. Or they can  get $500-$1000 per property he informs the real estate investor.

Whose or Where to Give The Information About The Property?

First You can go to real estate meetups and real estate clubs where you can get many people who want someone who can help them to get a property that they are looking for.

And second you can join real estate groups on Facebook or make connections on LINKEDIN.

Your goal should be to make connections with many real estate investors to make a list of the people who are interested in buying information about some property who they can buy. This way you have more chances to sell a property that you have founded.

5 - Answer Questions

Answer Questions and make money.

Everyone searches something on the internet at least once a day and in fact 63,000 searches are made every second on the internet. And there is a platform where you can earn money by answering questions. The platform is Just Answer.

And you might wonder why someone would pay to ask a question when they simply can't search one Google or YouTube for free. But there are a lot of people who are not interested in hearing advice from a random person. They want a expert advice. Someone who has specialization in something that they are looking for. And to register on the site it may ask for certificates or qualifications but not for every category.

How Much can You Earn by Answering Questions?

You can earn money from $2000-$7000 every month by answering. You can charge $20-$100 or even more for every question you answer. It will take only half an hour to answer a question and so can answer many questions in a single day.

4 - Renting Dumpsters

Dumpster renting earning.

Dumpster rental industry is currently valued at over 500 million dollars and it is expected to continue growing over the next few years. Imagine having a small fraction of this growth. You can make 20,000 dollars and more without any college degree.

The industry is growing day by day as the remodeling and construction projects are on the rise and you can earn a lot of money without any degree or experience. Everyone needs a way to get out the things that they do not want in their house and companies also want this dumpster which can remove the waste produced from their projects.

And this is an important point to consider where you are going to dispose of the waste. The most simple way to dispose of the garbage is by dropping it at your local landfill. And in most places landfill will charge anywhere between $20-$50 dollar for each ton.

You can earn so much money from this, yet it is not on top because it needs some investment.

Is dumpster Rental Profitable?

Yes, dumpster rental is profitable. Renting a dumpster will take $500 dollars and with just a single dumpster you can make $1000-$1500 dollars in a week. And this is also scalable, you will rent a dumpster to make profit and can rent more dumpster and make more profit.

3 - Start a service business

Start a service business.

A service business is something that there is a service that is demand in somewhere or a large group of people wants the service and you going to provide that service. It can be anything, some kind of service like removing things that someone is not wanting in his property.

And there are a lot of other services which you can provide online from your home like video editing, graphic design, sketching etc. Video editing is one of the greatest ways to make money easily from home as you are going to edit a video of a few minutes and you can charge $50 for a single video. And as with projects you will improve the service you provide and can charge more later.

Service business is one of the easiest types of business to make to earn thousands in a week. You can sell something that is in demand like The Snuggies. Snuggies are just blankets with sleeves. Using them you can use your hand without taking them out in the cold. And this simple idea is now worth more than $200 million.

The way is very simple, is by providing something that people want but the task is to find something which can make you money. You can start observing your city and can find something that people are interested in buying.

2 - Amazon Copywriter

Amazon Copywriter earn without college degree.

Amazon is the most popular way to shop online nowadays, in fact amazon gets 2 billion visitors every month. And it accounts for almost half of all e-commerce sales and this number is increasing day by day. As the increasing number of selling products there are also lots of product descriptions that need to be written. Your goal as an Amazon copywriter is to write descriptions in a way that the person reading feels that they need the product because it solves the problem for them.

How Much does an Amazon Copywriter Earn?

You can earn $200 dollars per hour once you have experience and a good profile on platforms like Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork.

Companies pay really good money for writing a description because your writing could literally be the difference between the product selling or not selling.

1 - Make Money with your Hobby

Make Money with your Hobby

Everyone sure has a hobby and what if I tell you can earn money with your hobby. There are tons of hobbies from which you can earn money. Hobbies like Gaming, Photography, Cooking, Sketching etc. These are some one of the most common hobbies which can literally  help you to create a source of income.

And the great thing about changing your hobby into a source of income is, it's fun. You are not going to feel like you are working and can do the work for many hours without being tired and bored. And as you will work more you will earn more.

Nowadays even gaming which people think is a waste of time can be a source of income. And you can earn millions by joining tournaments, by streaming on platforms like YouTube and there are lots of mobile apps which also organize small tournaments. You can join them and earn $10-$100 dollars for winning a match.

Photography is a source of income too. You can click a photo using your phone and can sell on different platforms like Adobe stock, 500px. Every Time someone buys your picture you will get paid.

And you can earn money by cooking. You can start your bakery or you can make some foods and can promote them using social media platforms like Instagram and can get buyers for there.

Sketching is a source of income too. There are many people who get paid for sketching and they do commission work. I have a friend who does commission work and he even made $100 for a single sketch he made.

These are not the only hobbies you can make money. There are tons of hobbies and maybe you have some too through which you can earn money. Think about it.


There are many other ideas or jobs which do not require any college degree and can help you to make millions. Degrees are not something that will decide how much you are going to earn. Many If that was the once look at the list of world's richest people list and tell me how many people in top 10 have been earning that much because of their degree. In the end, your consistency and hard work will give you your desired result, not your degree.

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