5 skills to Make Money Online

5 skills to learn to make money online.

5 skills to make money online. It's a known fact that the demand for knowledge based jobs is decreasing and the demand for skill based jobs are increasing. As well as these skills can pay you better by doing a few hours of work. And you can earn online from home, you are your own boss and even can hire people who can work for you. You can use these skills for side hustle or can create a passive source of income.

Most people think that you can not have a good job or can earn good money without a degree. And if that were the case then look at the owner of Facebook and Microsoft. Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, both dropped out of Harvard and become multi-millionaires by starting up their own companies.

Having command on skills which is in demand is all you need to make money online or offline from home. You can learn any of these skills from online courses. You can learn these skills for free from YouTube. And it will take a few weeks or months to learn these skills mentioned in the list. Which is nothing in comparison to the time required to get a degree.

After learning any of these skills, you can work as a freelancer to make money. Working as a freelancer is best, you will work when you want. You can work one week and rest for another week.

Students must learn at least one skill which can advance them from others.

The skills I am going to mention are in demand but the supply is low so there is a lot of potential in these skills. And they all are .

Learnable Skills to Make Money Online.

  1. Animation
  2. Video Editing
  3. Transcribing
  4. SEO
  5. Web Development

1 - Animation

Frozen character Elsa.

The demand for this skill has increased in the past 2-3 years as it is used in almost every video on YouTube or in TV Ads or in any websites. Everything showing on your screen is an animation. This skill is so in demand and the supply is so low due to its difficulty level. Well I am not saying that learning this skill is too hard but it is going to take some time to learn this skill. You can earn a good amount of money even with basic animation skills.

There are a lot of types of animation and these are the three types of animation from which you can learn one or all in a few months which help you to earn money from home online.

  • 2D Animation
  • 3D Animation
  • Graphic Motion

2D - In 2D animation there are sequences of drawings slightly different from each other. And after showing the drawing quickly like 12 frames per second it comes as a 2D animated motion.

3D - 3D animation is done in a 3D digital space manipulating objects and characters. Moving the objects and characters limbs and parts to create a motion.

Graphic Motion - Motion Graphics is also a type of animation in which text are main elements and we have to animate them.

How Much can You Earn as an Animator?

fiverr search result of animation.

You can earn $5-$5000 as an animator. For example these freelancers some of them charging $5 some charging almost $5000 for just a few seconds of videos.

The videos they are making are not long, they are charging this much for 10-30 seconds of animation and if you go check the animation level it is not that hard. They are not animations like a Disney animated movie, they are some basic animations.

How Much Time Will it Take to Learn Animation? 

Learning animation is not going to be easy but at a basic level it will take some time and effort. But it is worth the time you can charge the same amount as these freelancers for making a few seconds of animation.

And the best way to learn animation is by taking some small projects for which you will charge less or do not charge at all and in a few months you can become skilled enough to charge a thousand for a few seconds.

CHECK THIS ALSO - Earn money By Just Selling Templates.

2 - Video Editing

Man sitting in front of a computer and editing a video.

Another skill with huge demand is video editing. In the past few years people are consuming more visual content than anything. For anything like if someone wants to learn something they use YouTube which has millions of videos, for entertainment purposes people consume videos.

And not only on YouTube, videos are everywhere on Instagram, TikTok etc. There are thousands of videos getting uploaded every day and the people who create these videos need editors. Someone who can edit these videos. But there are not many people who can fulfill this demand and it is not as hard as animation.

How Much can You Earn as a Video Editor?

video editing skill to make money.

As a video animator you can earn $500 from each video you will edit. And these editors are charging $10 to $1000 dollars depending on the level of the skill they have.

And let me share a story of a friend of mine. He is a video editor to and edit gaming video for YouTubers and while we were taking a class in our college he received a message from someone and he was asking my friend to edit his video. And my friend (not a professional) changed $150 dollar for ending a 5 minute video. And one more thing he does not have a laptop, he uses his phone to edit a video.

How Much Time will it Take to Learn Video Editing?

You can learn video editing in one or two weeks and later can take small projects and can improve your skill more. After editing 5-10 videos you will have enough experience to start taking commission work.

3 - Transcribing

Transcribing skill to make money.

Transcribing basically means converting audio into text. You just have to convert the audio into text format. And there other similar jobs like transcribing is translator and subtitle writing.

As a translator, you have to write the thing said in an audio in another language. And subtitle writing is the text which shows at the bottom of the video. Subtitle writing is the same as transcribing, you have to write subtitles for a video.

And this skill is in huge demand because almost every YouTuber or any other content creator wants subtitles for his video. And if you know more than one language it will be more beneficial as you can write the subtitles for a YouTuber who speaks English or any other language in another language like Spanish.

YouTubers want subtitles in other languages to get more audience from other countries.

How Much can You Earn as a Transcriber?

Search result of fiverr of transcribing.

The amount you earn as a transcriber depends on your experience and skill. If you have completed a good number of projects then you can charge a better amount. And after doing some project it will be one or two hours of work for you.

How Much Time will it Take to Learn Transcribing?

Transcribing may be the easiest skill in this list to learn. It will take just a few days or you can even learn this in a few hours because you just have to write the things that the audio has.

And most of these freelancers are using AI or other tools to transcribe. These tools are free and you just have to upload the audio and you will get a transcribed version of the audio.

Some tools for transcribing;

  • Computer
  • Foot pedal
  • Keyboard

4 - Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO skill to make money

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a process used to make a website more visible to a large number of people who are browsing on the internet. SEO is something that used to increase the popularity of a website. In this you have to do different things to a website to get more visible on the internet.

Google and other browsers use SEO to decide which site to show to the user and which not show to the user. Whenever you search something on google there are many sites that appear on your screen and why a site showing on the first and why other site showing on the tenth position is decided by SEO.

SEO is the way to rank a site. It includes how you should write an article, what keywords you should use and many other things. It may sound technical but learning SEO is an easy job.

I am a college student who own this site I done everything on this from building writing and posting the articles to solving the errors everything and If you're reading this article then its mean it doing well in search results and everything that I am doing to rank this site and optimizing it all that i learnt by watching YouTube videos.

How Much can You Earn as an SEO Freelancer?

Fiverr search result of SEO.

As an SEO freelancer you can make $500 per week as a basic optimizer by just doing 5 work. And a professional and experienced freelancer charges $500 and even more for one work.

How Much Time will it Take to Learn SEO?

You can learn SEO very quickly at a basic level in 2-3 weeks by just watching videos on YouTube and if you want to earn money as a professional it will be great if you create your own site and do some work and try SEO tricks to rank it. It will give you more knowledge about how websites rank on google.

5 - Web Developer

Web development skill to make money.

If you want to make more money online and faster than this skill is perfect. This skill is easy and hard too.

How is Web Development Hard?

Web development is hard if you know no coding and if you want to learn web development then you have to learn many coding languages like HTML, JAVA, CSS etc. And it will take a lot of time but it pays a really good amount.

For making a single website you can charge thousands of dollars.

How is Web Development Easy?

These days for making a website, there is absolutely no need to have knowledge about coding. You can build as many websites as you want using platforms like Blogger and WordPress.

Blogger vs WordPress

If you are a beginner then you definitely choose blogger. It's simple and absolutely free. WordPress is free too but if you want to do everything for free on WordPress then you will face some difficulty mostly when you use free hosting. And it is a bit complicated but not limited. Bloggers are limited. You can write good articles and can make very good websites but WordPress provides a lot more options. It has everything that a professional big site needs.

In short you can use both, I personally use both. I have one site on blogger and another on WordPress. And if you knew then  I advise you to start with Blogger.

How Much Can You Make as a Web Developer?

Fiverr search result of web development

These are some freelancers who charge even more than $1000 for making a single site so if you even make 10 websites in a month you can earn $10,000.

How Much Time will it Take to Learn Web Development?

If you want to learn to develop a website from scrap then it can take 3-4 months. And if you want to learn to make a site using Blogger or WordPress then you can learn it in a week or less.


All the skills mentioned above are great choices as a profession and side hustle and you can learn all these skills for absolutely free through YouTube videos. YouTube has numerous playlists to learn any of these skills. Initially it will be too hard and you may see yourself not making any progress but sticking to it and working 3-4 hours every day will make a huge difference.

I am a blogger too and it takes two months to learn about SEO and managing and creating a website. I am still learning new things everyday and will go to work to make my website rank on google.

If you want to make money you have to learn a skill, there is no other way to make money. You can earn money online easily if you have the correct skill.

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