My Experience with WordPress – WordPress Review

WordPress Review.

Are you thinking about to start your own website? Then you might be familiar with the name “WordPress" and may be wants to make a website with WordPress. But you are thinking is it right to start with WordPress instead of Blogger which is a website which helps you to make your own site for free. Even the site is owned by google. Then here you are going to get answers for all your question. I am going to give you a personal review as well as going to share my experience with WordPress.

To be hones When I decided to make an own website then I only Know two name WordPress and Blogger Which I can use to make site.

But there are many other sites like Squarespace, Wix and Weebly, which are as good as WordPress and Blogger. And WordPress was even last in my list because I think WordPress complicated.

But as you are thinking to make a website with WordPress then you might have many questions in your mind like “Is WordPress free”, “What are plugins” or “WordPress vs BloggerWhich one is best.

Then this article is a complete break down for someone who is new in this field. So, keep reading it. And I have added Table of Content so you can jump to specific part of the article.


What is WordPress?

I am sure that you think WordPress is a website which you can use to make websites. Yes, it is true but it is not the whole truth. & are both different sites and provide different services. is hosting service whereas is content management system (CMS).

And in this article, we are going to talk about the


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Why You Should Choose over

You can use any of the website to start your own site. But I rather advise you to choose Why? Because it allows you full access to your website and to all WordPress features.

In you will face problems like:

  • They will show ads on your site from which you are not going to get any money and you even not allowed to monetize your website with any Third Parties options.
  • You can not edit the footer credit which have written Powered by
  • You need to buy membership to install plugins,
  • You are not allowed to change the theme even not allowed to upgrade or make many changes with CSS.
  • If they found any violence of their Terms and Condition then they will remove your website.


WordPress Feature Review

There are tons of feature in WordPress to review and in reality, it has almost any feature you want and if it does not have a feature, you are looking for then you can simply install it by downloading a plugin.

The user interface is also very simple. You can see many options in the left side just like blogger. And if you someone who was transferring from blogger then you might find it content edit a bit complicated which you can change. It has both the classic editor and the new one.


WordPress Pros - Review

  • You are the owner of your site and no one delete your site for any reason.
  • You can monetize your website with any Third-Party Service.
  • You can add and remove new themes on your website. And can also modify your them however you like.
  • It has over 59,000 plugins, so you can make your site however you want with whatever features you want.


WordPress Cons - Review

  • You have to manage your own site by yourself which sometimes may result in errors on your site.
  • There are thousands of plugins and you can download any number of plugins which may result in conflict between the plugin which will cause errors.
  • Not like Blogger, WordPress do not provide hosting and domain which means you have to buy it.


My Experience with WordPress – Personal Review and Experience

I made my first website with Blogger as I used to think WordPress is complicated, it is for professional and I can not handle it. After working on Blogger for sometime I sifted to WordPress which was not initially very pleasant experience. But after sometime I began to feel that WordPress is an awesome tool to start your site.

I took a free domain and hosting from a site, which was the worst mistake of my life. Initially thing was OK. I had a site which was working all right.

I would like to strongly suggest you that you should not use a free hosting on your website. Because I was using Free Hosting and after a month my site starts to get slower it loads very slowly which is not good for SEO perspective.

And one day my site just got crash it went into some maintenance mode automatically and activated again after 3 hours and when it activated again, I check my Google Search Console and I saw all my articles which was indexed got deindexed with some new errors. I left that site and started to work again with Blogger.

My experience review about WordPress do not sound that good but it just, I just did one thing wrong and aside from this. I love WordPress and the plugins that it has just make thing easier.



WordPress is a very strong tool to make your own website but and it have awesome feature and with over more than 59,000, you can literally do anything and can make a website however you like. But it advised that you use WordPress to make your own only if you can afford a hosting. I am not saying that if you using a Free Hosting then you can not make a good working website. It just, if you going to use a free hosting for your site and work with WordPress then you will be going to face lots of issue and errors.


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